Negozio Leggero opens in Paris

It is a subsidiary of the Italian chain which sells only bulk products. About 1,500 products are available, without packaging or with a returnable packaging

Under the motto “shopping is lighter without packaging“, the first French branch of Negozio Leggero (Italian for ‘Light Shop’) has just opened in Paris. It is an Italian supermarket chain where food products, goods for the people and for the home are offered exclusively in bulk, without packaging or with returnable packaging. The goal of Negozio Leggero is to propose a different way of shopping, allowing customers to purchase only what they actually need.


The chain was born in Turin in 2009 following the initiative of the environmental research body Ecologos. Managed by the company Rinova, it offers over 1,500 different products and by now there are 16 points of sale, four of which are in Turin, one in Moncalieri (Turin), Asti and Bra (Cuneo), two in Rome and one in Palermo, Milan, Bergamo, Morbegno, and Bormio in the province of Sondrio. Abroad there is a point of sale in Lugano, Switzerland, and finally the Parisian one managed in franchising by two local partners: Pauline and Dany.

Negozio Leggero-bulk-returnable packaging


The two Parisian operators were supported in all the project building phases and trained – by the Italian group – on the environmental impacts of the various production chains of the products on sale. “In every Negozio Leggero point of sale – explains Cinzia Vaccaneo, president of Ecologos and Rinovait is fundamental that environmental and social culture be spread. Those who work behind the counter are modern researchers, people who believe in their work and have a mission: to make people aware of environmental issues, to know how to advise citizens about the choice of products, and to raise awareness of what we buy and consume“.

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