Valbona will attend PLMA 2018 (Hall 1 / F5259), the most important trade show dedicated to private labels scheduled from 29 to 30 May in Amsterdam. For the Italian company based in Veneto, specialized in vegetable preserves, private labels represents much as 85% of production, with more than 500 products and 50 brands. Private labels have always been a very important market for the company, says Valbona’s Sales Director, Marco Pilenga. It was in the ‘70s that Valbona began to produce pickles and vegetables preserves in oil for large Italian and foreign retailers. Today we can proudly state that the company is chosen as a partner by many large-scale retail chains, thanks to the wide choice of its production, the punctual and efficient service, the high quality standards, and its innovation. To date the company accounts for about 30% of total sales on international markets, and private labels play a key role. Foreign consumers continue to appreciate the Italian – and more generally Mediterranean – culinary tradition: among Valbona’s products, Pesti (pestos) and Antipasti (appetizers) are the most appreciated as they recall the typical Italian taste.
Valbona’s new products at PLMA 2018
At PLMA 2018 Valbona will present its latest launches, starting with the line ‘I Colori della Natura’ (The Colours of Nature): Aglio Bianco del Polesine DOP grigliato sottolio (grilled white garlic PDO from Polesine in oil), Zucchine alla Scapece sottolio (marinade courgettes in oil), Cucunci sottolio and Peperone Papaccella in agrodolce (bittersweet Papaccella pepper). We decided to select the vegetables according to their colour – explains Pilenga. The result is a line of new and innovative products, characterized by the company’s commitment to choose and enhance raw materials and high quality, refined, and typical ingredients. With a strong reference to the Italian spirit, this line includes the colours green, white, and red, giving life to innovative and original products both for the selected raw materials and for the processing process that characterizes them. During the fair, there will be plenty of opportunities to discover the flagships of Valbona production starting with the products that enhance the Italian territory: the Cipolla Bianca di Margherita IGP (white onion from Margherita PGI), Cappero di Pantelleria IGP (Pantelleria PGI caper), Radicchio Rosso grigliato (grilled red chicorée), Olive Taggiasche (Taggiasche olives), Finocchio grigliato (grilled fennel), Zucca grigliata (grilled pumpkin), the Caponata, and Friggitelli grigliati (grilled chili peppers). ‘Accenti’ – the line of pickles created by Valbona using refined vinegar in combination with more traditional vegetables – is unique in its offer. There will also be organic and vegan product lines; Valbona has marketed, for some years now, a line of organic and vegan spreadable creams and pestos. Finally, four of the company’s products will be displayed in a very prestigious showcase within the exhibition. In fact, Crema Vegana Peperoni e Carote (vegan spread with peppers and carrots), Zucca Grigliata (grilled pumpkin), Bruschetta con Carciofi di Sardegna DOP (bruschetta with Sardinia’s PDO artichokes), and Flan di Zucca (pumpkin flan) will be showcased within the ‘Supermarket of Ideas’, a space where the exhibition organizers choose and present a limited series of products that distinguish themselves for innovation and intuition.