Just landed in the UK, the ‘Toblerone taste’ ice-cream could soon arrive in the rest of Europe. The web is invaded, in fact, by the announcement of the launch of this new ice-cream – both on a stick and in a tray – on the British market. Toblerone in owned by the US giant Mondelez. With the taste of honey and almonds, the new ice-cream at first it was marketed in the circuit of bars. All British chocolate lovers are pausing the Internet with the news, sharing vintage photos and memories. The famous dessert will be sold at £ 1.80 in the UK. According to the first rumors and photos, the shape is in fact an enlarged reproduction of one of the many small pyramids of the original chocolate bar. From England to Spain, from France to Germany and of course Italy: all European consumers hope to find this summer the Toblerone ice cream in their fridges. Despite not being the first revisitation of the original Swiss recipe, it seems to be in effect the food-mania of the moment along with the ice-cream version of the famous Ferrero snack ‘Kinder Bueno’.

How it was born
Toblerone was born in Bern in 1867 when Jean Tobler, a chocolate maker, opened his first shop and began to produce recipes of his own invention. He was so successful that he was able to increase his production and open a factory, the Bern Chocolate Factory, Tobler & Cie, which Jean left in the hands of his son. It was he, Theodor, who at the beginning of the 20th century invented the original recipe for Toblerone; a name born from the union between his surname and classic nougat, the traditional recipe from which he had drawn inspiration. The recipe was so successful that it was registered with the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property in 1909 the year after its invention. It was the first ever chocolate bar to be patented. Legend has it that – but it is impossible to know whether or not it is true – the patent was registered by a very young Albert Einstein, then an employee of the Institute.