It was 1850 when in Rovere Veronese, somewhere in the Lessina mountains, the Bonomi family opened a small bakery specialized in the production of sweets and biscuits. From the very beginning, plenty of attention was given to raw materials, choosing the best butter, flour, eggs, and sugar, as well as to the preparation, suppliers, and then investments. Family, territory, and tradition are the pillars of the growth of the company, which, in 2016, achieved a turnover of 46 million euro, with over half generated by exports to 85 countries.
Roots in the local territory
A deep connection with the local territory and community is what represents the biggest inspiration for the company’s recipes: a combination of tradition and modern technology. The bridge between tradition and the future is in fact the use of the most modern production technologies. Bonomi currently uses five modern and automated ovens, while its entire packaging process is handled by a state of the art robot. Forno Bonomi’s focus on production standards and high quality has allowed it to receive several certifications: Iso 9001 : 2008, Ifs, Brc, Fda, and Haccp. The company’s aim to satisfy a wider consumer base has also prompted it to get the Halal, Kosher, and USDA NOP (National Organic Program) certifications.
More exports in the pipeline
For the future, the company is designing new strategies for expansion. The aim is on new markets, such as the Middle East and Asia, as well as existing ones, mainly South America. In the United States, where it has been operating for about thirty years, and is present in major US chains as a private label, Forno Bonomi is a strong leader in the ho. re. ca. and food service segments. The company’s best sellers are certainly its savoiardi ladyfingers. While they are produced according to tradition, with 26% eggs, over the years this product has been partially revised by introducing first, Savoiardi Bihappy (half traditional recipe and half chocolate), and then a 100% organic line, one with the traditional recipe, as well as one made with spelt flour and without the traditional sugar topping. Recently, Bonomi has launched the first product of a range of innovative products, the Italian Butter Shortbread. With a butter base, it is prepared with 27% Italian butter. The name says it all, a clear intention to launch these products on the international markets with greater ease and brand awareness. In the meantime, the product is well appreciated both in Italy and in the foreign markets. The range is now even wider thanks to a chocolate version and the intention to introduce an organic one. Moreover, Forno Bonomi is also known worldwide for puff pastry, glazed with apricot jam or sugar topped, also available in the new 100 g mini packs.
The Tiramisu
A very strong innovation was showcased at ISM 2017 by Bonomi, the Tiramisu box: a kit containing all the ingredients for making typical Tiramisu, beginning with ladyfingers, the main ingredient of the Italian dessert. Bonomi has a very long tradition of traditional biscuits, especially ladyfingers. After many years, getting a very big know-how on how to make this Italian traditional biscuit, this year the company showcased this innovation, aimed at teaching people in the world how to use Bonomi’s ladyfingers, how to create Italian Tiramisu in their own homes, and also to get them closer to beautiful Italian landscapes and cities. The new product also complies with the trend of cooking from scratch, which is developing more and more in many countries. People enjoy making their own food; they want to know where the food comes from, how to create something healthy and natural. Especially in far-away countries, such as the United States, South America, Asia, and China, there’s a very high demand of ladyfingers, but people still believe that making Tiramisu is something really difficult.
The organic line
The organic line of Bonomi currently includes three items in 200 g packs:
Organic ladyfingers: The traditional recipe made entirely with organic ingredients;
Ladyfingers with organic spelt: With eggs and spelt flour from organic farming;
Organic Kids Savò: Ladyfingers designed for children, made with organic ingredients and without a sugar coating.