Isnardi, family passion since 1908

In Liguria, the land of the Taggiasca olive, a visit to the historical company Isnardi of Pontedassio
Isnardi, family passion since 1908

One quick tour of the new factory of the historical company Isnardi of Pontedassio, (Imperia, Liguria) is enough to be overwhelmed not only by the passion and the respect for the ancient oil production methods, but also by the care that is given to even the smallest aesthetic details of the company. Such as the thousand year old olive trees that adorn the courtyards vegetal monuments, the two old olive-presses from the 1600s, reconstructed in minute details and currently functioning, while jars of each size and origin bear witness of a will to keep alive the history of a population and a business that has revolved around olive trees and its fruit. Over 70% of our production is 100% Italian extra-virgin olive oil and extra-virgin Taggiasca olive oil – explains the CEO Carlo Isnardi –, part of which is PDO, with a medium – high price that reflects the correct value of the product. Each process, from the storage to the bottling lines, is researched in order not to alter the organoleptic features of the oil, following the tradition.

BRANDS – The company is currently present in today’s distribution with the brands Isnardi, Le Pietre Brune, and Guasco, while in the ho. re. ca. and normal trade it introduces the brand Ardoino. This historical brand goes back to 1870, when the first oil maker used golden aluminum to protect the oil from the light: thanks to the high quality of the product and the captivating packaging, it started to serve a demanding and exclusive clientele both in Italy and abroad.

PRODUCTS – The historical pack was the first one to undergo the 2017 restyling project of all the retail products. The oil reinvents its style by improving the legibility of the label and it expands its range of products: Fructus, a careful selection of coldpressed, Italian extra-virgin olive oils with low acidity. It features a golden color and a sweet taste with a fruity finish. Vallaurea: extra-virgin olive oil made only with Taggiasca olives. Its taste is sweet and delicate and it smells of ripe olives. Biancardo: extra-virgin olive oil made with late-ripening olives. Frutto d’Autunno: extra-virgin olive oil produced from the first harvest and bottled fresh, whose taste is fruity and intense. Biologico: extra-virgin olive oil made with a selection of healthy olives from the best organic productions; delicate, sweet, and with low acidity.

NOT ONLY EVO OIL – Ardoino adds to its wide range of extra-virgin olive oil various lines of products typical from Liguria, with an elegant and improved graphic design with high visibility: naturally flavored oil, olives marinated in oil or brine, pâté of Taggiasca olives, artisan pasta, sauces, pesto, pâté, tuna and anchovies marinated in oil. Not to forget other specialties marinated in oil such as artichokes, sundried tomatoes and chili peppers, cookiwes and sweets made with extra-virgin olive oil, fruit jam.

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