Antonio Amato and OrtoRomi win Pentawards Packaging Design Prize 2015-2016

The pasta company from Salerno and the vegetables cooperative from Veneto awarded in the most prestigious worldwide packaging design competition's last edition
Antonio Amato and OrtoRomi win Pentawards Packaging Design Prize 2015-2016

There are also two Italian food companies among the Pentawards Packaging Design Prize 2015-2016 winners. We are talking about Antonio Amato and OrtoRomi – a pasta company from Salerno and an agricultural cooperative founded in Veneto, respectively. Antonio Amato won the Bronze Pentaward 2015 in the Cereals category (CBA ad agency). OrtoRomi won the Silver Pentaward 2015 in the Fruit & Vegetables category (DeOfficina ad agency). The ceremony took place in Shanghai.ortoromi-screen

WHAT IS PENTAWARDS PRIZE – Created in January 2007, the Pentawards are recognised as the most prestigious worldwide competition exclusively devoted to packaging design in all its forms. They are open to all those who are associated with the creation and marketing of packaging from every country in the world. Their primary mission is to increase the stature of packaging design and those who create it. Each year, packagings from around the world are judged by a truly international jury of 12 highly reputed designers and packaging design managing directors from major companies. The jury selects the winners based on the creative quality and the marketing relevance of the works presented. Winners receive bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond Pentawards. No less than 55 different categories allow any type of packaging to compete against similar creations. The next competition will be open to entry from 20 February to 7 April 2017.antamato-screen

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