Monday June 20th – 18 p.m.
Chicago, IL 60603 – 159 E. Monroe St. – The Art Institute of Chicago – 3rd floor – Directors’ Conference Room
Retail Market Trends – by Jim Dudlicek, Editor-in-Chief of Progressive Grocer
New Trends of Italian Products – by Marta Bommezzadri, Editor of italianfood.net
During the FMI Connect Tradeshow in Chicago (June 20th-23rd 2016), the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) organise several events to promote Italian Food Tradition and Italian Food Industries. In this agenda of business meetings, monday June 20th Marta Bommezzadri, editor of italianfood.net, will hold the speech “New Trends of Authentic Italian Products”.
Her presentation will highlight the latest trends in authentic Italian products and their versatility in the American market, as well as unique qualities offered only by “Made in Italy” products and market trajectories for the coming months.
The other guest speaker is Jim Dudlicek, editor of Progressive Grocer, that in his speech “Retail Market Trends” will highlight key retail grocery trends of importance to Italian food producers seeking to do business in the U.S. and a list of major changes among the Top 50 retailers by company.
Click here for further information concerning the event or to book your participation.