Latteria Sociale Valtellina to debut in Germany

The Italian diary company will be the protagonist of a three-day promotion at Eataly's Munich sales point, showcasing products from its member’s cooperative
Latteria Sociale Valtellina to debut in Germany

Latteria Sociale Valtellina will be the focus of a three-day promotion this week at Eataly’s German store in Munich, where it boasts a constant presence of assortment. The aim of the event consists of presenting, specifically, three historical cheeses of the assortment: PDO Seasoned Valtellina CaseraPDO Vintage Bitto, and Scimudin. Of the first two, respectively, the company produces 73% of the certified cheese rounds (about 120,000 of Casera) and 45% of PDO Bitto (9,000 rounds).

Director Marco Deghi explains,  The competition is fierce and the diary market is increasingly difficult. We were able to launch some historical quality cheeses into the international market;first, with Valtellina Casera and Bitto, but also our soft cheeses such as Piattone.Therefore, the promotion of our cheeses is essential, both at the business level and for the food system, but also for our land.” Latteria Sociale Valtellina is an agricultural cooperative with 66 members; most of them being professional farmers. The cooperative employs 50 people and it can be considered the main dairy production centre in Valtellina Valley. 

The goal of the company is to maintain the sales levels that were recorded in 2014about 30 million euros. The collaboration with Eataly will see Latteria Sociale Valtellina promoted within its stores around the globe, from a number of different activations including increased presence in Eataly’s sales points through improved visibility on the shelf.

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