The 18th edition of Cibus, scheduled in Parma for May 2016, will be the first show in which this format will be replicated. Additionally, there will be some tradefairs in Asia and in the Usa, for example the Iddba trade show in Houston and the FMI Connect in Chicago. The other possibility, proposed by Federalimentare and Fiere di Parma, is the creation of a permanent observatory on Italian sounding products, aimed at regulary and yearly monitoring counterfeit food products.
The presence of Italian products in foreign markets could be expanded thanks to a new ‘shop-in-shop’ format for foreign retailers. Cibus would like to offer retailers a “ready to go” basket of Italian products, which are the fullest expression and Italian excellence, to offer and sell to foreign consumers.
Luigi Scordamaglia, president of Federalimentare, said that: ” the image of Italy’s food and agricultural products that was given at Expo, is an example of a tight supply chain. It means that agriculture, manufacturers and distributors all work together, overcoming ancient rivalries. A business model based on cooperation which will allow us to be more competitive nationally and internationally, also thanks to the commitment of the Italian Government that has given its important support to Italian food and has put it at the centre of the country’s relaunch.”
Meanwhile, Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma, said that “the Cibus international trade fair may be very useful to build a successful common strategy aimed at bringing Made in Italy food export sales up to 50 billion euro by 2020, as the Government has declared. Indeed, the Cibus trade fair is already the meeting point for Italian food enterprises and international players. We are willing to work continuously with Federalimentare, to support new initiatives, as well as to offer our experience to ICE/ITA in order to develop a more interactive business strategy to boost Italy’s agricultural industries”. Concrete measures to improve the format in other international trade fairs and to Cibus 2016, would be the most effective way of increasing commercial interest as well as the presence of Italian food industries in the global scenario.