Oceania is the Italy’s largest exporting partner, overcoming US, in the first semester of 2015. Australia and US led the board with export figures of 29% and 28% respectively. The weakness of euro helped.
The Italian agri-food export raised up 8% from January to August 2015, according to the latest data by Istat, getting closer to record goal of 35 billion euros by the end of 2015 year. Government has called on the food industry to reach this record number high, highlighting strategies to support companies more. But analysts say that the weaker euro, which has slipped down in the first semester 2015, has also helped, making Italian food export even attractive. With a weaker euro, indeed, our exports are rather stronger now.
Data of exports are reported by the latest release of the National Institute of Statistics (Istat). Italy’s main trading partners are Australia, US, European countries such as Germany, France and UK. In the USA, in the first semester 2015, export has increased of about 28% compared to the same period of the previous year. Even if the best result comes from Australia, a country where export increased up to 29%, well ahead of others Asian markets (24%) and China (18%). In contrast, the share of Russia continued to fall down due to the ban. Trading observed over recent months are however very different for traditional top trading partners of the EU. The share of European Union countries, in total Italy export, remained almost unchanged, increasing up to 5% over the same time period.