‘CibusInFabula’ is the artistic project designed by the digital storyteller Felice Limosani. Through a live exhibition, the project brings to the stage 13 murales made by international street artists, all of which will be remixed in a digitally animated video installation. The result will be a live performance that will be projected on the external facade of the CIBUSèITALIA – Federalimentare Expo 2015 pavilion, in order to communicate the fundamental themes of the Universal Exposition in an engaging way.
Food, nutrition and the planet are described through two different contemporary languages that take shape in a single live performance to which Felice Limosani has invited 13 international figures (from Japan, Ireland, Spain, France and the UK, just to mention a few countries), who work with very different techniques. Each mural will come to life with Video Art, the expressive code by Felice Limosani. Urban and poor art together with technology aim to amaze, provoke and lead to reflection, through creativity, about the excesses, paradoxes and distortions of our planet.
The imposing installation consists of a visually striking led wall (7 x 10m) in the centre and, on the two side wings, two murales created on monumental canvases of 70 sqm; two different media to portray 13 site specific stories with “spray and pixel”. For the entire duration of the exhibition, the artists and Felice Limosani will be alternating twice-weekly, “reshaping” the face of the exhibition space dedicated to Italian food chains set up by Federalimentare and Fiere di Parma.
The kickoff story of Cibus in Fabula is “Picture of Health” by the duo Felice Limosani – Maser (May 1), in which the concepts represented will be: nutrition, strength, mental, physical and the “health is wealth” equation. The performance “Communicating vessels” (June 12), by the duo from Puglia Agostino Iacurci and Felice Limosani will be paying homage to the know-how of farmers in Italy and in the world.
Felice Limosani, acute observer of reality, made of farmers, the fame of chefs, junk food and gourmet cuisine, loves narrating what surround him through the very personal digital storytelling for which he is known around the world. It is no coincidence then that over the years he has passed easily from Coca Cola, Ferrari, Nokia to the great fashions brands like Armani, Adidas and Ferragamo; his installations have been exhibited at the Louvre in Paris, at the Palais de Tokyo, at the Sketch Gallery in London and at the Mies Van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, just to mention a few.
“I credit Federalimentare and Fiere di Parma – said Felice Limosani – with two main achievements. First of all, having preserved and passed on the culture of Italian food, without forgetting nutrition and the challenges linked to our planet; secondly, giving me total freedom and support in the creation of the “Cibus in Fabula” project. I consider this openness towards contemporary forms of expression a new mentality that gives substance to Patronage 2.0″.
For the entire duration of EXPO, in addition to presenting top food products, the “CIBUSèITALIA” pavilion will also be a place of creativity, experimentation and contemporary culture.
The “Cibus in Fabula” project, in particular, will be enriched by a busy calendar of events that will take place both within the Federalimentare pavilion, and in the Milan showrooms. An experiential journey into the agri-food and design industries, united by the same history of tradition and craftsmanship.
The works created by the artists will then be displayed in a collective exhibition organized by Cibus, the International Food Exhibition, from 9-12 May at Fiere di Parma, and will then become a world cultural event.
CIBUS IN FABULA” Felice Limosani meets:
MASER, IRELAND (May 1-13) “Picture of Health”
VESOD, ITALY (May 15-27) “Genesi 2.0”
TASSO, GERMANY (May 29 – June 10) “Fast, Gourmet & Light”
AGOSTINO IACURCI, ITALY (June 12- 24) “Communicating vessels”
BOAMISTURA, SPAIN (June 16 – July 8) “Life and Hope”
DESTRUKT, UK (July 10 -22) “Future Seas”
BART SMEETS & STEVE LOCATELLI, BELGIUM (July 24 – August 5) “The Hunt”
GEORG DINSTL, AUSTRIA (August 7-19) “Are we really that hungry”
MASARU ISHIURA & KINUKO ESTHER, JP (August 21 – September 2) “Itadakimasu” (Before we eat)
INTI, CHILE (September 4 – 16) “Soul Food”
FIN DAC, IRELAND (September 18-30) “Earth Maidens”
OKUDA, SPAIN (October 2 -14) “Heads Juice”
NASTY, FRANCE (October 16 -26) “Arty”