Grandi Pastai Italiani, with 90% of production going to Italian and foreign retail sales, offers a complete range of products to satisfy all tastes and price ranges.
The company supplies prestigious private labels to various sales channels: Coop Italia, Conad, Carrefour, Auchan, Penny, Eurospin, Tuo, Lidl, Tesco, Intermarché, Casino, Metro, Target, Costco, and many more. “Pricing is done by our customers – states the company – who, for each format in question, set prices that are in line with their individual strategies”.
However, if one speaks of upgrading, the strategy for creating innovation is clear: “We believe that the expectations of our future customers include simple recipes, increasingly similar to home-made pasta – says Grandi Pastai Italiani’s spokesperson – because we are talking about a traditional product. Another persistent consumer request is related to package labelling, which needs to be increasingly easy to read”.