Having made its entry in the Russian market this year, the company based in Manerbio (Brescia) is already thinking of building a facility of readymade salads in cooperation with a Russian partner. “A few months ago we launched fresh DimmidiSì bagged salads,” said Massimo Bragotto, sales and logistics director at La Linea Verde, “while at the international food fair WorldFood Moscow, last September, we presented our first fresh soups and nutrient-rich salads and it was a great success.” La Linea Verde hence chose this most-prominent stage to launch into the local market its three DimmidiSì salads and three fresh DimmidiSì soups, presented in packages with Cyrillic script, specially designed for the Russian audience. Thanks to a partnership with Vegetoria, a local representative in production and import, La Linea Verde has already launched its fresh-bagged salads named DimmidiSì, in Cyrillic, which were received very well. A positive result that allows the company to confirm its wide expansion plans, planning to open a new plant for the local production of readymade salads of the DimmidiSì brand. “The Russian market is appealing: in Moscow, the segment of bagged salads boomed in just one year, reaching 40 to 50 million euros,” concluded Bragotto. “This segment is perceived as a status symbol by Muscovites and the local competition is still small. In addition, our product is Italian, a feature that represents an added value to foreign consumers, especially Russians, who have a great appreciation for values associated with the tradition and the quality of products of Italian origin”.