Trends Italian cuisine is worth €228B worldwide Global restaurant market has rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, boasting 2.6 trillion euros…
Dairy Italian cheese exports to the US recover in the first half of 2021 Intesa Sanpaolo bank and research firm Deloitte outline road map for the Italian dairy…
Trends Discovering the Global Powers of Retailing 2019 According to the 22nd edition of Deloitte's survey, the 4 Italian players are advancing in…
Trends Italian catering in the world, in 10 points Italian cuisine is the second top in the world after Chinese cuisine (with a market share…
Trends Retail, Amazon is in the world top ten In Deloitte's “Global Powers of Retailing 2017” the first Italian retail chain is Coop,…
Trends Health and wellness: discover the industry’s commitment The second edition of The Consumer Goods Forum Health and Wellness Progress Report shows…