The impact of the coronavirus crisis is strong on the PDO buffalo mozzarella chain. In the first 15 days of March, 2020, about 60% less milk was processed compared to the same period of 2019. Basically, 766 tons of PDO buffalo mozzarella (Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO) were produced compared to almost 2 thousands tons in the same period of 2019.
Exports are affected by the ongoing health crisis, because the specificity of buffalo mozzarella PDO is that it is a perishable product, which needs fast logistics with consequent problems related to transport. Exports are in difficulty, both those that travel by road and that have a fundamental route in the Brenner Pass to reach, for example, Germany, which is the first country to export buffalo mozzarella. The same can be said for transports by air because of the slowdown in flights and the measures adopted by some countries.
Click here to discover the authentic Italian PDO buffalo mozzarella on Italianfood.net platform
The invitation to consume Italian products, and buffalo mozzarella among these, comes from Italy’s farmers association Coldiretti. “The emergency that is affecting Italy – says Gennarino Masiello, vice president of Coldiretti – is also slowing down the agricultural sector. The drop in domestic demand due to the closure of the catering sector and the unjustified contraction in foreign demand are having negative effects as well. The most immediate effect is on fresh products. We invite everyone to choose products from the Italian agricultural supply chain” – Mr Masiello says.