Henceforth, a singular label will distinguish all bottles of Olio di Calabria PGI, marking a pivotal achievement for the Consortium for the Protection of Calabrian olive oil, the Italian Southern region as a whole, and its olive oil producers. The strategic employment of this distinct label is poised to yield substantial advantages by steering consumers toward quality and heritage preservation.
The label not only prominently features the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) mark but also showcases the logo of Olio di Calabria PGI. The logo, characterized by a stylized olive tree with a trunk composed of five segments, serves as a symbolic nod to the region’s five provinces (Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio Calabria, and Vibo Valentia). The Consortium asserts that this emblem will render the product “instantly recognizable and compelling to consumers,” concurrently championing the entirety of Calabria and accentuating its enduring olive cultivation tradition.
Through the safeguarding, promotion, and elevation of the PGI brand, the Consortium aims to introduce a unique and distinguished product – one that narrates a compelling story, emanates from a specific origin, and follows a rich tradition. The adoption of a unified label constitutes a pivotal stride toward realizing these far-reaching objectives.