The “Olio Lucano PGI” denomination has been officially registered and published in the European Gazette on October 5. Now the implementation of every possible opportunity for this typical extra virgin olive oil of Basilicata can start.
Click here to discover the PDO and PGI Italian extra virgin olive oil on Italianfood.net platform
All the olive-growing companies in Basilicata will now have at their disposal a unique tool of valorization and promotion for the positioning on domestic and international markets.
Olio Lucano PGI is the eighteenth product of Basilicata with a regional denomination of origin. A result due to the hard work, undertaken since 2015, to improve the quality of the entire regional olive-growing community. The production area of Olio Lucano PGI coincides in fact with the entire territory of the Basilicata region.
The extra virgin olive oil Olio Lucano PGI is obtained from the following olive cultivar varieties and their synonyms, alone or together:
Acerenza, Ogliarola del Vulture (synonyms: Ripolese or Rapollese, Ogliarola di Melfi, Nostrale), Ogliarola del Bradano (synonyms: Comune, Ogliarola), Maiatica (synonyms: olive of Ferrandina, Pasola), Nociara, Ghiannara, Augellina, Justa, Cornacchiola, Romanella, Carpinegna, Faresana, Sammartinengna, Spinoso, Cannellina, Cima di Melfi, Fasolina, Fasolona, Lardaia, Olivo da mensa, Orazio, Palmarola, Provenzale, Racioppa, Roma, Rotondella, Russulella, Scarpetta, Tarantina, Coratina, Frantoio, Leccino. Other varieties can also compete up to a maximum of 20%.
Olio Lucano PGI is characterized by a color that varies between green and yellow, a fruity medium, bitter medium and spicy medium flavor, with possible aromatic notes of fresh grass, artichoke, tomato, almond, apple.