Ice-cream is the proof that technology can be an excellent way to preserve and promote one of the greatest agrifood heritage of the world.
Thanks to the three below mentioned projects, soon we could maybe talk about #gelatotech
Ice-Cream maker Alberto Marchetti, in collaboration with Foodchain Spa, Inalpi and Torrefazione San Domenico, developed the first “Blockchain del gelato” to share with the consumer the story and the value chain of the projects.
“Promote the high quality of my raw materials, it says Alberto, has always been my priority and the blockchain is an excellent way to carry on my mission. The blockchain project was born exactly for the transparency.
We launched during the last edition of Cheese (an Italian dairy fair) and customer’s feedback has been great.

Thanks to the solution developed by Foodconcepts, now it’s possible having an excellent hand-made, gelateria style ice-cream even at the the restaurant, after a romantic dinner.
The solution is composed by ice-cream frozen pods by 700 grs, storable in cold room, and a machine for express creaming, that can prepare even a single ice-cream portion, with the same creaminess and aroma of hand-made gelato.

Mattia Monti, investor and general manager of the startup:
“As investor, I have been impressed by the double scalability, both for foodservice and retail and even by process optimization and waste reducing.
We recently completed the plant and started selling, being able to rely on 15 customers among format and restaurants”.
During a trip in Thailand, Giacomo Bizzarri grabbed the potential of express refrigeration and so launched Mashcream, an innovative ice-cream mobile format.
Thanks to the “cold plate” developed by Giacomo with a technician, it’s possible having a singular and catchy ice cream rolled in piadina style.
“Mashcrem, it explains Giacomo, is a project conceived in Thailand, developed thanks to Shark Tank and then launched at Sigep 2016 (the Italian fair of sweet foods). The cold plate can be considered as a true refrigeration system that instead cool a box, like a fridge, it does the external temperature.
Blockchain, pods, innovative tools, the gelatotech era has started.