“It is difficult to improve an already excellent recipe, thus, we must stay true to it.” These are the words of Pasquale Casillo, General Manager of International Markets at Pastificio Liguori. The range of products exported by the company based in Campania includes the Pasta di Gragnano PGI flagship: over 200 years of tradition, made with 100% Italian durum wheat. Moreover, the organic product lines, which are selling very well, including those made using only 100% Italian durum wheat from an all-Italian certified supply chain. As Casillo explained, “This year, we have focused on innovating our packaging. We made it more eco-friendly by using recyclable paper. We also added a new logo inspired by the historical logo that was very popular in the 50s and 60s. We are also planning a major launch, scheduled for the end of 2019, which will allow us to complete our range.”

In 2019, exports will amount to about 45% of total sales, with that figure expected to reach 50% in 2020. Liguori exports to over 40 countries, including the USA, UK and Japan. “The steady growth experienced on the international scene in recent years,” adds the manager, “has a very simple explanation: consumers are much more informed, know what to buy and are perfectly capable of recognizing quality. They read the label carefully and look for a healthy, safe and natural product and not a counterfeited or illegal one. For these reasons, the only segments that are experiencing a strong and steady growth are those in which Pastificio Liguori is a specialist: organic and whole-wheat pasta, and of course, PGI Pasta di Gragnano.”

In addition to its own brand, the company also produces for the retail sector: “The private label side of the business has positive effects on different areas, in particular on R&D,” underlines Casillo. “Being a reliable private label supplier allows us to consolidate important partnerships with major international retailers while keeping our corporate identity intact. At this stage of our launch on foreign markets, we are mostly working on increasing our distribution. We have revamped our website both in English and Spanish and we are organizing our first in-store promotions, which include increased visibility of the products beyond the shelves and gadgets given to consumers.”