Prosciutto di Modena PDO has shown a stable production rate in 2016 compared to 2015: 72,000 pieces. The pre-sliced segment confirms itself as an important sales channel, absorbing about 15% of the total production thanks to its practical use, despite a slight decrease in 2016. In fact, many consumers got back to buying at the cheaper deli-counter. Prosciutto di Modena PDO is the only one Made in Italy ham to have a minimum maturing period of 14 months, which is the longer of all Italian PDO hams.
EXPORT TO USA AND JAPAN – Last year has been a light and shade one – says President of Prosciutto di Modena Consortium Davide Nini. On the one hand the internal market is still suffering, but in 2016 our product has shown very good prospects on foreign markets. In particular in the USA, whose authorities gave green light to export last August. If we consider the Far East – states Vice President of Prosciutto di Modena Consortium Giorgia Vitali, just back from a trip in Japan – we can see a great potential for our products. Although Prosciutto di Modena PDO was entirely unfamiliar in Japan, it has encountered great appreciation and good reports from the start. In fact, Japanese buyers are showing great interest right now. As for UE countries, Prosciutto di Modena is very much appreciated in Germany, Great Britain and France. In the latter, pre-sliced ham has just been introduced in an important supermarket chain.
CIBUS CONNECT – After the participation in Modena Antiquaria, the next initiative that will see the presence of Prosciutto di Modena Consortium will be Cibus Connect, scheduled on 12 and 13 April at Fiere di Parma in the Parma Exhibition Center.