Over the last year in Italy there has been an increase in private label products’ sales of +1,7% in value and +0,2% in volume compared to 2015, with a market share of 18,5%. In September 2016, in the high volume sales channels the turnover was €9,76 billion, with a major market penetration in the discount channel where private label reached a share of 54%. That’s what 13th Marca/BolognaFiere survey data shows. The complete survey is to be presented at Marca 2017, the international exhibition on private label and own label products which will take place in Bologna Exhibition Centre on January, 18th and 19th.
WHAT CONSUMERS WANT – Following the survey results, consumers have been buying more and more private label high quality (premium segment) products. In this segment, turnover growth reached €1,32 billion in the first nine months of 2016 thanks to organic products (+16,1% in value and +14,4% in volume) and premium ones (+13,8% in value and +12,4% in volume). At the same time there has been an expansion of the private label products set in every distribution channel, to offer consumers a greater variety. This is especially the case of supermarkets (1415 brands, +49 on 2015), discounts (799, +40) and hypermarkets (2091, +6). Private labels growth is returning in southern Italy as well, where the sales trend in 2016 (+0,6%) has overtaken the national average, although there is still a long way to go. In fact, southern Italy’s market share is 13,2% compared to 18,5% of Italy.
MARCA 2017 – Marca 2017 opening is just days away. By now, exhibition areas are sold out with an increase of copacker companies (615, +16% on 2016) and exhibition area (about 29,000 square metres, +12%) which is placed in three new pavilions. All the most important large retailers will be present: Auchan, Carrefour, Conad, S&C-Consorzio Distribuzione Italia, Coop, Coralis, Crai, Despar, Iper, Italy Discount, Marr, Selex, Sigma, Simply, Sisa, Risparmio Casa, Tigotà, TuoDì, Unes, Vègè. The exhibition programme foresees also workshops and specialist conferences focused on most topical issues of the day in the area of large-scale distribution.