Conad introduces Verso Natura: four colour codes and product lines that respond to four different needs, which will be the focus of an ongoing development in the coming months. Verso Natura Blu is made from agricultural products grown in a context of responsible use of natural resources, from seasonal cycles to biodiversity. Verso Natura Veg is for people who have opted for a diet without animal proteins or who want to reduce their role. Verso Natura Eco offers a line of eco-sustainable detergents and recycled paper products. And Verso Natura Equo is a product line that respects workers’ rights and the need for sustainable development. Along with a re-launch of more than 60 items from organic-friendly agriculture already on its shelves, Conad has planned the rollout of a wide range of new products: 94 in the Organic line (from vegetables to dry legumes, from poultry and beef to frozen foods, from cookies to teas); 27 for Veg (from ice creams with milk substitutes to soy-based yoghurt, from ready-to- eat vegetable dishes to frozen meat substitutes and fresh soups); 9 in Eco (paper, cleaning products for the home, and detergents); and 6 for Equo (cocoa, coffee, chocolate and tea). That’s a total of about 200 items, which will debut at Conad stores during the first quarter of 2017.
Conad’s traditional brands will now be joined by Verso Natura, a brand that emphasizes a new culture at Conad, one that is even more sensitive, more attentive to new consumer trends, more aware of the need to better satisfy the needs of our shoppers, said Francesco Avanzini, Conad’s Business Director. It’s definitely a well thought out range of items that responds to emerging lifestyles tied to informed choices, a growing attention to wellness and health, to the quality of what we put on our tables, a respect for the environment and the rights of workers. These values are in line with those of our company, and with the awareness that the evolution of consumer tastes is an opportunity to grow and develop our brand.
GROWTH OPPORTUNITY IN EXPORTS FOR ITALIAN RETAILERS – International growth is the route to take for companies looking to expand their private label sales. These Italian retailers are taking a pragmatic approach to foreign markets. Supermarket chain Conad’s Sapori & Dintorni brand, that proposes regional specialities and premium foods, has morphed into a store name for supermarkets, milk shops and gelato stores. We are exploiting this expertise in our approach to foreign markets, said Alessandra Manzato, Conad’s group category manager. The Creazioni d’Italia brand, actually, was created as a vehicle to bring Italian excellence overseas, selecting a diverse group of retailers as there is a strong demand for made in Italy. The challenge right now is to intercept the new trends of organic, vegetarian and vegan food.