The new Mela Val Venosta brand, launched in Italy on February 2016, has come to Spain on the occasion of Fruit Attraction fair. It represents a real change, involving the brand in full: from packaging to corporate identity, from logo to communication for the ultimate consumer. Two ladybirds convey the company principles in accordance with the brand’s innovation. It’s all about Natural character – to highlight production’s sustainable methods – and Quality, a constant in every stage of the supply chain to offer customers a flawless-tasting product and an outstanding service.
GOLDEN GOLD AWARDS – Fruit Attraction has been the perfect opportunity to promote the work of Mela Val Venosta’s Spanish retailers. What better way to bestow an award – Val Venosta Golden Gold Award – to the worthiest greengrocers? More than 4.000 greengrocers entered the contest. They sent photos of their shops, paying attention in exposing and offering Mela Val Venosta’s apples to customers.
Fruteria Barrio from Barcelona has been awarded the “Best neighborhood shop”; Barcellona Morilla Fruites has won the “Best market point of sale” award and lastly Mas y Mas chain has been awarded best “Large scale supply chain”.
HARVEST – To this day, we can confirm a harvest decrease of 15/20% due to the frost that hit some Val Venosta areas at the end of April – VI. P. Managing Director Josef Wielander says. Nevertheless, Mela Val Venosta apples quality is still outstanding. Particularly the red ones, which show a beautiful colour thanks to day/night temperature variation during the fruits ripening. Gala’s harvest, the earliest variety, has ended and we are just finishing with Golden, Mela Val Venosta’s main variety. At the end of October we wil be at an end with the later varieties.
ORGANIC – It’s a good vintage for Organic Val Venosta sales – says Gerhard Eberhöfer, Val Venosta Organic Area Sales Director – despite we’re expecting higher prices compared to the average of the last years. This is due to a 6/7% production decrease in Europe and an increase in demand. We are very committed to organic – Eberhöfer states – because thanks to this kind of product we are among the organic apple’s European leading producers, with an organic share of 8% on Val Venosta total production. This year, our innovative project BioGraphy becomes enriched by new emotional video contents.
SALES – VI. P. relies heavily on variety renewal and top varieties such as Kanzi® and EnvyTM, produced in cooperation with VOG, Rivoira Group and AmbrosiaTM, next to traditional Golden Delicious, Gala, Red Delicious and Pinova. The result is a greater flexibility for VI. P. – Mela Val Venosta in meeting the customer’s needs.
This is confirmed – VI. P. Business Manager Fabio Zanesco says – as the good balance established over the last years between internal and external markets endures. Half of the harvest goes to Italy, the other 50% is shared between Scandinavian countries (8%), Germany (8%), Iberian Peninsula (10%), North Africa, Middle East and the rest of the world.