The target is the so-called newcomers. Young English people who are just getting to know the world of coffee, but want to try authentic tastes with interesting stories behind them. Lavazza has launched two limited edition ranges especially for them, which will be sold within the 68 sales points of retailer Waitrose. The first, Lavazza Mono-orgins, is produced entirely with 100% Arabica beans, sourced exclusively from plantations in Kenya, Peru and Papua New Guinea. The other, Italian Lifestyle, is a range of three variants of different strengths, all strongly reminiscent of Italy: Passione a Venezia, described as aromatic and delicate, Meraviglia a Pisa, well-rounded and smooth, and Emozione a Roma, which is intense and full-bodied with notes of caramel and spices. These new entries follow the presentation, again in Great Britain, of Lavazza’s first instant coffee, sold at a limited number of Sainsbury’s and Waitrose stores. This was something of a revolution for Lavazza; in fact Prontissimo! was the company’s debut in this segment, the long-time favourite of consumers across the channel. So much so in fact, that the sales turnover is almost triple that of other Lavazza coffee. What’s more, the instant coffee world has recently been revitalised by the emergence of Whole Bean Instant, a new high-end niche where the Italian company also wishes to establish a presence. In short, another step forward, towards the goal of doubling international turnover. Part of that strategy will probably also include the acquisition of French brands L’Or and Grand’Mère, with an investment of over 600 million euros.