Free access to Algeria market for parmigiano reggiano

The research of new export markets for the Italian hard cheese puts forward. Parmigiano Reggiano finds opportunities in Algeria while the abolition of production quotas in 2015 is leading major EU dairy companies to explore investment and deals in Africa
Free access to Algeria market for parmigiano reggiano

Access to world markets is not always restricted for Italian exporter. To open up new markets and trade opportunities and to keep markets open, long term negotiations are required. The Italian Ministry of Health has announced that after long negotiations was reached an agreement with the authorities of Algeria to establish a health certificate to export from Italy of milk and milk-based products, including of course the hard cheeses. A few days after overcoming obstacles to exports to South Korea, another impediment is removed to create new market opportunities for the parmigiano reggiano.

“This creates the conditions for starting new trade flows of dairy products in the market for the North African country. We express particular appreciation for this result and for the work of the health authorities.” –underlines Consortium spokesman- “It is important to record the fact that thanks to an action of the system can overcome the barriers that still in many markets restrict our exports. In fact, the result was possible not only to the commitment of the Ministry of Health but also thanks to the collaboration of the health authorities of the Emilia Romagna, Lombardia and of Assolatte”.

According to analysis from the OECD/FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021, consumer demand for dairy product is growing strongly in Africa. It increases by 22% in the 6 years to 2012, and considerable scope for further expansion is foreseen, as demand for dairy product is growing at twice the rate of the increase in supply.

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