“The exhibition in Milan will be unprecedented and this is thanks to the host country, Italy. It is a country that everybody knows, appreciates and wants to visit and Expo will benefit from this excellent reputation as well. Personally, I hope that the majority of the visitors will be composed of young people: it is from the new generations that we can make a culture from food, remembering that ‘Food is for life and that Food is for everyone.'” Questioned in Parma during the second day of the Collegio dei Commissari Generali di Expo, the CEO and sole commissioner for Esposizione Universale 2015 Giuseppe Sala proved to be very optimistic. The meeting in the Emilian city, in which 150 Commissioners from all over the world participated, was organised by Expo Milano 2015 in collaboration with BIE (Bureau International des Expositions) and accepting the invite from Regione Emilia Romagna, Comune di Parma, CCIAA (Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Parma) and UPI (Unione Parmense degli Industriali) represented an opportunity for the the 129 countries that have already joined the event and signed the participation contract to be informed about the organising company’s actions and how work is progressing on the site where the event will actually take place.
In terms of exhibition space, 55 stands have already been completed and work on 50 more is underway. Furthermore the number of visitors is expected to be around 20 million, composed of 12-14 million from Italy, 3.3-4.4 million from Europe and 2.7-3.6 from countries outside the EU.
Here below, all the Pavillions of the attending Countries