Milo Group opens a new production plant

Milo’s new site represents a secure investment for stakeholders, thanks to the innovations it will bring to the market
Milo Group opens a new production plant

It is official, Milo Group, whose headquarters are in Palo del Colle, has started production at new premises in the Province of Bari this June. Marida Milo, speaking on behalf of the family, reports that, “in recent weeks we have tested the production lines and, once up to speed, the new factory will have a production capacity of 500 to 800 kg per hour. The new plant has been designed to produce filled snacks, both sweet and savoury, as well as enhance products with any type of herbs or spices. We started producing baked goods around ten years ago,” Marida Milo, sales director, tells us, “but until now production has been relatively small-scale. After several years of looking closely at market trends, we realised that bread substitutes were starting to become a high-growth business, due to the fact they respond to modern lifestyles and new consumer demand for healthy, low-fat and practical products. This led to the decision to open a new production plant dedicated to this category of products right here in Palo del Colle, an area known in the region as the ‘home of Taralli’, Taralli being one of the most typical baked goods from Southern Italy”. The wide product offering is aimed principally at the retail channel in Italy and abroad. Examples include, traditional and Kamut Sfoglie di pane, Panetti, Taralli, Grissinotti and many more, all carrying the Casa Milo brand. “The Sfoglia di pane is our flagship product,” Marida Milo explains, “it is a typical substitute for traditional bread, very light and adaptable to both sweet and savoury tastes. As a company we care deeply about quality and, therefore, we look to provide specific options that respond to the growing demands we are receiving from the market for premium and healthy products. Staying with the Casa Milo brand, we will be focusing on a search for superior quality grains, on a par with those used in fresh pastas. We already select the best grain for the production of our baked goods, both in terms of traditional products and their alternatives, such as Khorosan, Kamut and spelt. This allows us to also embrace the gluten-free market. The result is a niche offering, which is gaining recognition at home and abroad in markets where Casa Milo is already active, and which genuinely represents Italian culture and gastronomy”.

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