It took place yesterday, at the Mezzanine of Hall 4 in SIAL, the awarding ceremony of the most innovative Italian products presented in the French exhibition. The first edition of Italian FOOD Awards was organised by Italianfood.net in collaboration with SIAL and with the sponsorship of Italia del Gusto Consortium and AlixPartners.
Here to follow the slideshow and the list of the winning companies, with the products awarded for each of the 15 categories.
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1- Innovation Award
Molini Spigadoro with Chef in Black – Gusto and Colour
2- Bakery & Snacks
Amica chips with Alfredo’s bio-organic chips
3- Beverage
Quinoa Marche with Q
4- Cheese
Igor with Blue di capra
5- Fine Food
Campo d’oro with Villa Reale Supreme – Dolcezza di pistacchio
6- Frozen Food
Formalactis with Aumma Box
7-Best Packaging
Antica cascina with Il Noce affinato in giara
8- Best Sustainable
Oleificio Zucchi with Traceable Olive and Seeds Oil
9- Fruit & vegetables
La linea verde Dimmidisì – Piatto Unico Benessere
10-Meat and Salumi
AIA Aequilibrium – Turkey breast with cherry tomatoes, oregàno and màrjoram
11-Oil & Vinegar
Antico Frantoio Muraglia with Fumo smoked oil
12- Pasta & Rice ex aequo
Master Mamma Emma with Fresh potatoes gnocchetti with spirulina
La Molisana with spaghetto quadrato integrale
13- Sauces & Dressings
Finagricola Così com’è Grangusto with yellow datterino tomato ketchup
14- Sweets & Confectionery
Eurovo with Nonna Anita
15 – Best free from
Pedon with More than Pasta