What is the value of exporting Italian food products to China? Data for the first ten months of 2013 show a value of 230 million Euros, an increase of 12% on the previous year, and a figure which exceeds 50% in Beijing alone. Equally significant is the demand from the surrounding region of Tianjin and from the neighbouring northern regions of Hebei, Shanxi and Mongolia. On these solid foundations, Cibus, working with Anuga/Koelnmesse and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, will participate in ‘World of Food Beijing’ from the 26th to the 28th november.
The event represents a strategic opportunity for the companies to promote Italian food to the Chinese market and above all to get to know the main retailers in the area and, in particular, the Beijing brands such as Jenny Lou’s, City Shop, Er Shang and Ole’ CRV. The Italian Area, created in collaboration with Ice, will cover 500 square metres and will host 50 companies ranging from Ambrosi to Riso Gallo, Pastificio La Molisana to Coppini Arte Olearia, Conserve Italia to Wal-Cor Corsanini and Coppola to La Contadina.
“Once again, it is with great satisfaction that we accompany Italian businesses into an ever more important market”, states Thomas Rosolia, managing director of Koelnmesse Italia, to Foodweb. “The platform has been created by working with Cibus and Federalimentare and it is definitely a valuable instrument in enabling the whole Italian food product sector to seize every opportunity on the international market.”
“Cibus arrives in Beijing following the successful model of the Thaifex fair in Bangkok,” explains Elda Ghiretti, Cibus brand manager for Fiere di Parma, “that is to take the Italian companies to the most well-known and successful food fairs on every continent: an initiative which strengthens the winning partnership between Fiere di Parma and Anuga/Fiera di Colonia. The Beijing fair will enable us to develop our business relationships with top retailers and to open ourselves up to a territory with immense potential, like Northern China.”
World of Food Beijing, which will play host to 1,000 exhibitors from 20 different countries, is expected to welcome 30 thousand visitors.