The trade show Food & Hospitality China (FHC) – scheduled in Shanghai from today November 14th to Thursday 16th – is growing its popularity as one of the major International leading food and beverage fair for the Chinese industry, not only within the Chinese Provinces but also among its neighboring countries. ICE-ITA (Italian Trade Agency) organized the Italian collective: almost 50 companies covering 340 square meters of which 240 square meters (20 stalls, 12 square meters each) are dedicated to the products and 100 square meters used for activities and workshops. This area will also have a didactic purpose, equipped to host cooking demonstrations of culinary specialties made using Italian ingredients. Last edition (2016) hosted 72,000 visitors, counting 2,350 exhibitors covering an exhibition area of almost 74,000 square meters.
Chinese consumers’ taste
The Chinese market, while continuing to represent a niche market for imported foodstuffs and, in particular, for Western ones, is showing a strong dynamism and an interesting growth trend in domestic demand and therefore consumption. Plus, China is changing shifting to consumption patterns that are increasingly inspired by European and North American models. With regard to the agri-food sector and wine, says Massimiliano Tremiterra, Italian Trade Agency Commissioner there is very positive data, but China remains a complex market with its own peculiarities. First of all, we have to do with a culinary culture of a strong tradition that is far from ours, which is why our typical products are poorly known by mass consumers. There is, however, an ever-wider range of people living in urban centers who increasingly appreciate imported products in their daily consumption. Chinese consumers’ tastes are increasingly sensitive to the issues of sustainability, quality, authenticity of productions, and food security. These are all features where Italian food products certainly do not rank behind anyone. We will have to aim at these consumers so as to increase the excellent opportunities and the great growth margins the Chinese market offers.